February 4, 2022
Dear Parents and Families,
Happy February! Today marks our 100th Day of School. There were lots of fun activities planned here at the school in many classrooms! February will continue to be a busy (short) month as we head into Spring. Please be prepared to receive several forms of communication from myself, the office, and teachers regarding all that is going on.
Attached to this email, you will find a flyer from one of our PTO parents, please take a look at this at your convenience.
As you know, our Open Enrollment is still open, this will conclude on February 18th. We are still accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. Help spread the word!
This week we welcomed our new PE Teacher, Mr. Jackson to campus. All students will have PE twice a week with Mr. Jackson on Wednesday and Friday-please make sure your children are wearing sneakers on days that we have PE. Next week, on February 11th, Ms. Williams, our 2nd Grade Teacher, will be leaving Tillery Charter Academy. We are thankful for her time and
dedication to the school, families, and parents; Ms. Williams has been with us since we opened in 2019. We wish her all the best. Once we have a new teacher, she will be introduced and welcomed to TCA.
Thank you to everyone who has helped stock up on some much needed supplies! If there is anything you’d like to donate please send the items to the office or call Mrs. Lucas to see what is needed.
Important Dates:
February 18th and 21st-No School for students
February 22nd-Progress Reports will be sent home
February 28th-March 4th-Scholastic Book Fair-Communication from PTO will be sent out in the
next few weeks. We will need volunteers all week.
March 1st-PTO Meeting
As always, please reach out with any questions!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Teresa Harrison