by TilleryCharter | Feb 3, 2023 | News

3 de febrero de 2023
Estimados padres y familias,
¡Feliz febrero! Preste especial atención a este boletín, ya que contiene fechas e información importantes a medida que avanzamos en los próximos meses.
Como saben, nuestros objetos perdidos y encontrados se están llenando rápidamente. Si tiene algún artículo para reclamar, pídale a su hijo que lo recoja o llame a la oficina y la Sra. Lucas se asegurará de que lo envíen a casa.
El PTO organizará un desayuno de San Valentín para nuestra facultad y personal el 14 de febrero de 2023. Se adjunta más información al respecto a este correo electrónico. Nuestro PTO también necesitará voluntarios para nuestra Feria anual del libro Scholastic, que se llevará a cabo del 6 al 10 de marzo de 2023. Busque más información sobre esto.
Gracias nuevamente a todas nuestras familias y simpatizantes que asistieron a nuestra recaudación de fondos en enero. Se recaudaron más de $6,000 para el nuevo edificio escolar. Si compró una camiseta durante la recaudación de fondos, se le entregará la próxima semana.
Fechas importantes:
2/8 100o día de clases
2/14 PTO Desayuno del Día de San Valentín
2/17 y 2/10 No hay clases para estudiantes
2/22 Informes de progreso enviados a casa
3/3 Excursión de grado al Torneo ACC de mujeres
3/7 Noche de Inscripción y Feria del Libro Noche Familiar
3/6-3/10 Feria del Libro Scholastic
3/31 Boletas de calificaciones enviadas a casa
teresa harrison
by TilleryCharter | Feb 3, 2023 | News

February 3, 2023
Dear Parents and Families,
Happy February! Please pay careful attention to this newsletter as it contains important dates and information as we head into the next few months.
As you know, our lost and found is filling up quickly. If you have any items to claim, please have your child get them or call the office and Mrs. Lucas will make sure they get sent home.
The PTO will be hosting a Valentine breakfast for our faculty and staff on February 14, 2023, more information about this is attached to this email. Our PTO will also need volunteers for our annual Scholastic Book Fair, which will be held from March 6-10, 2023. Look for more information to come out about this.
Thank you again to all of our families and supporters that came out to our fundraiser in January. Over $6,000 was raised for the new school building. If you purchased a shirt during the fundraiser, they will be delivered next week.
Important Dates:
2/8 100th Day of School
2/14 PTO Valentine’s Day Breakfast
2/17 and 2/10 No School for students
2/22 Progress Reports sent home
3/3 3rd Grade Field Trip to Women’s ACC Tournament
3/7 Enrollment Night and Book Fair Family Night
3/6-3/10 Scholastic Book Fair
3/31 Report cards sent home
Teresa Harrison
by TilleryCharter | Oct 28, 2022 | News

October 28, 2022
Dear Parents and Families,
I hope this letter finds you well as we head into the Halloween weekend. As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, October 31st. This is a scheduled conference day for teachers and families. If you have not already conferenced or do not have one set up, please reach out to your child’s teacher to schedule one.
A big thank you to all of our volunteers and participants that came out to the PTO’s Fall Festival. We were able to raise about $1,000 for the PTO account. The next PTO meeting is scheduled for November 1st at 8:15 am.
Now that the weather has started to change, please have all outerwear labeled. Our lost and found is filling up quickly.
Thank you all for your understanding as we navigate the bus situation. For the week of 11/1, all bus routes will run. If anything changes, communication will be sent via email and class dojo. When dropping off and picking up your students, please allow us to walk them to the car and put them in the car. I am asking that parents stay in their vehicles and adhere to the teachers and officers as they ask you to pull all the way down the driveway. Doing this allows for traffic to stay off of Lambert Rd and the 24/27. The Biscoe PD and all of us at TCA appreciate this.
As we head into November, please take note of the following dates for your calendar.
10/28-Report Cards sent home
10/31-No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/1-PTO Meeting, 8:15 am
11/11-No School, Veteran’s Day
11/17-Picture Make-up Day
11/21-11/25-Thanksgiving Break
Enjoy the weekend and we will see you on Tuesday, November 1st.
Teresa Harrison
by TilleryCharter | Oct 7, 2022 | News
October 8, 2022
Dear Tillery Parents and Families,
Happy October! This month brings many exciting events and happenings at TCA. Please pay careful attention to the dates listed in this newsletter.
I appreciate everyone’s time and patience as we transitioned to the Foodease platform. While all menu options remained the same, you did see an increase in price at $.50 per lunch. This is relative to the cost of many items all around us going up, including meal prices at our vendors. We felt that this option was the best for our school and families as we transitioned to some more online ordering and payment options. This platform allows for credits to be given if school is canceled and lunches are not served. If your child is absent, a credit cannot be given. Lunch for November must be ordered by 10/21.
TCA’s Fall Festival is scheduled for October 20, 2022 at TCA. This is a PTO run event and needs several volunteers to make this a success. If you are interested in helping, planning, and overseeing this event, please come to the school on Tuesday, the 11th at 8:15 am for an interest meeting.
If you still need to turn in any missing documents to the office, please email these to Mrs. Lucas at
Once again, TCA is participating in the Fancloth fundraiser. Please click on the link to take you to the ordering page.
Important Dates
10/10-No School, Teacher Workday
10/12-NC Zoo on campus for 4th and 5th presentation, 2nd and 3rd to NC Battleship
10/13-Individual and Group Picture Day
10/20-Fall Festival 5pm
10/21-1st quarter ends
10/24-10/28 Red Ribbon Week
10/28-Report Cards sent home
10/31-No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teresa Harrison
by TilleryCharter | Sep 21, 2022 | Uncategorized

September 18, 2022
Dear Tillery Parents and Families,
I hope you are all able to enjoy this lovely weekend and the very slight feel of Fall weather. This newsletter is meant to highlight some important dates that we have coming up. Mrs. Lucas shared many of these with you last week as well.
September 23-Progress Reports will be sent home
September 24th-Biscoe Fall Fest, 11 am -9 pm, TCA will have a booth set up
September 27th-1st Grade to Millstone Creek
October 4th-PTO Meeting
October 10th-No School-Teacher Workday
October 12th 2nd and 3rade to Battleship NC
October 20th-Fall Festival 5 pm-7 pm
October 28th-Report Cards sent home
October 31st-No School-Teacher Conferences
Please mark these on your calendars and plan accordingly. When paying for field trips and other expenses, continue to send money in with your child in a labeled envelope or baggie.
TCA is in need of some donations; if you are able to help, the following items would be appreciated: Clorox/Lysol wipes, tissues, hand soap ( we do not need sanitizer) and individually wrapped snacks or breakfast items.
Thank you for continuing to support the school and your students in the following ways; prompt arrival and departure time, ordering of lunches by 12pm each Friday, and returning all required documents to school.
Teresa Harrison