by TilleryCharter | Aug 12, 2022 | News

August 12, 2022
Dear Parents and Families,
It is hard to believe that we are one week away from the start of the 2022-2023 school year. This letter will serve as a brief introduction to our current and new faculty and staff joining our ever-growing team this year. You will have a chance to meet all of our faculty and staff at our Open House on August 18th from 4:30pm-6:00pm. For the 2022-2023 school year, our 4th Graders will be using additional spaces for their classrooms in the Blue Building behind our campus. Additional information about this space will be provided and sent via email.
Office Manager- Robin Lucas
Kindergarten Team-Leslie King and Julie McCaskill.
First Grade Team- Tami Henson and Sylvia Davis
Second Grade- Norma Jones
Third Grade- Kathy Garner
Fourth Grade Team- Malachi Johnson (Language Arts and Social Studies) and Melissa Belk (Math and Science)
Fifth Grade- Brandi Powers
EC Director and Teacher- Elise Smith
Guidance- Pauline Jackson
Music- Dexter Hinson
Art- Erin Abernathy
PE- Reth Jackson
Teacher Assistants- Diana Cipriani, Kaityn Lisenby, Jada Smith, and Terry Parsons
Bus Drivers- Andy Garner, Helen Hodge, and Walser Hodge
Looking forward to seeing everyone on August 18th!
Teresa Harrison
by TilleryCharter | Aug 7, 2022 | News

July 29, 2022
Dear Tillery Parents and Families,
I hope you are having a wonderful summer and enjoying time with your family. As we prepare for the 2022-2023 school year, here are a few reminders to help you prepare for and plan your first few days of school for your child. We will start the year off with our Back to School Night on August 18, 2022. Please drop by anytime between 4:30 and 6:00 pm to meet your teachers, pay your supply fee, and drop off any remaining paperwork. The supply fee for the school year is $25 per child. The only thing you will need to send your child to school with is a lunchbox, backpack, and a water bottle. Teachers will also make “wish lists” and these will be available on our website.
As a reminder, school starts on Monday, August 22nd at 7:50 am, which is 10 minutes earlier than our usual start time of 8:00 am. Students may be dropped off as early as 7:25 am. Dismissal time will still be 3:00 pm.
Important information for Kindergarten families: ALL Kindergarten students’ first full day of school will be Wednesday, August 24th. We will operate on a HALF DAY staggered schedule Monday and Tuesday for Kindergarten students ONLY. Students whose last name begins with A-M will arrive on Monday, students whose last name begins with N-Z will arrive on Tuesday. On Wednesday, all K students will arrive on campus for a full day.
The purpose of this staggered entry is to make the transition smooth for families, teachers, and students. Pick-up time on Monday and Tuesday will be 12:00 pm.
To start the 2022-2023 school year off, all lunch will be ordered through our Google Form. We are transitioning to an online ordering system (Boonli), until that is set up, please continue to use the form that will be made available to you by August 8th. Lunch will continue to be $4 per student and $2 reduced, Free and reduced lunch forms are available for our families.
Our Asheboro and Albemarle bus routes and stops will remain the same this year. The morning pick-up times will start 10 minutes earlier this year. We will be adding a stop on Main St. in Mt. Gilead and in Candor, close the intersection of the 220 and 211. This means we will have 3 bus routes. A transportation survey form will be sent following this email for all families to fill out.
As we transition into August, please expect many more correspondences to follow from myself, our Office Manager Robin Lucas, and our teachers.
We are looking forward to an exciting year!
Please reach out to or call our office if you have any further questions.