by TilleryCharter | Oct 22, 2021 | News

October 22, 2021
Dear Parents and Tillery Families,
A BIG THANK YOU to our Tillery families and friends for making our Fall Festival a success last night! We raised over $250 dollars in our 50/50 raffle! Leland Freeman’s family was the lucky winner of the raffle! Thank you all for participating and for your continued support.
If you would like to be more involved with PTO and our upcoming events, please plan to attend the next PTO meeting on November 2nd at 6:00 pm.
Looking forward to next week-There is no school on Monday the 25th, this will serve as a workday and conference day for faculty and staff. I encourage you to make every attempt possible to have a conference with your child’s teacher. Please enjoy the long weekend! Tuesday, the 26th will be the start of the 2nd quarter. I am happy to let all of you know that ALL of our digital and printed curriculum is now here! All students also have their own Chromebook to use in the classroom. Please be on the lookout for more materials to come home, a more robust curriculum delivery, and a renewed excitement from the faculty and staff as we begin this marking period. Daily communication will continue to come home via the agenda and daily folder, and all weekly work will be sent home in Friday afternoons for you to look over with your child. On Friday, the first
graders will be visiting Millstone Creek Orchards in Ramseur. Next Friday is also Ice Cream Friday!
If your child is a bus rider, a list of bus rules and a contract will be sent home next week. Please continue to talk to your child about the importance of riding the bus safely and listening to all rules and regulations. As a reminder for the students, rules will also be posted on every seat back on the bus next week! Thank you for your cooperation.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Teresa Harrison
by TilleryCharter | Oct 1, 2021 | News

October 1, 2021
Happy October! I hope this letter finds you all well and enjoying some of the cooler weather and Fall. As you know we are well into the first quarter of school. Progress reports were sent home last week and Report Cards will go home on the 29th. Conferences are also quickly approaching and you will be hearing from your child’s teacher to set up a time for this. Conferences are scheduled for October 25th. This is a conference/workday for teachers and there is no school for students.
As you know, Ms. Jackson has joined us at Tillery as our Guidance Director. While she is serving in many capacities, one of her main focuses will be on working with students in the classrooms using our Voyage Curriculum. This curriculum focuses on character development and has many lessons that go along with it. The first lesson will be centered around Respect. Students will concentrate on treating others how they would like to be treated, being OK with others who are different, and ways to show respect in the classroom and at home. We are excited for all they are going to learn and experience on these adventures. A note was sent home about this in the folders today.
Here are a few reminders that I’d like to share with you as we enter the month of October. It is imperative that your children arrive at school on time each and every day. Classes start at 8:00 am and students are considered tardy at 8:10 am. If you arrive later than 8:10, you must park and walk your children into the building and sign them in. If you are utilizing the car line in the morning and afternoon, please stay in your car and we will let the children out safely. The line tends to back up quickly and we want to be efficient as parents drop off and start their day. In the afternoon, if you are not here by 3:15 pm, your child will go to Aftercare. Lunches must be ordered by 12:00 pm on Friday for the next week. Send all money to school labeled with your child’s name and what you are paying for. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.
Important Dates:
10/5 PTO Meeting at 8:15 am
10/14 Picture Day
10/21 Fall Festival at TCA 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
10/25 No School for Students, Conference Workday for Teachers
10/29 Report Cards sent home
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Teresa Harrison