Tillery Charter Academy is committed to meeting the needs of every student. Our instructional program will be anchored by the Core Knowledge Sequence, a classical approach to education.
The Core Knowledge Sequence is a detailed outline of specific content, aligned with the North Carolina State Standards. By offering a challenging back-to-basics approach to education, our targeted demographic will be able to spend time building that bank of knowledge and receiving the help they need along the way, whether it be a modified/scaffold down approach, after-school tutoring, or taking picture walks. The cross-curricular pedagogy with content alignment across disciplines brings strength to the curriculum.
Tillery Charter Academy will support the Core Knowledge sequence with the Core Knowledge Language Arts Program, Core Knowledge Science, Core Knowledge HGCA (History, Geography, Civics & the Arts), and Saxon Math. Additional special classes in art, music, and physical education will also be offered. Additionally, to support Tillery Charter Academy’s commitment to citizenship, TCA also has three core values, Courage, Respect and Spirit of Adventure that will be incorporated in the classroom and out in the community.
The Core Knowledge Language Arts Progra is a specific K-3 curriculum and a 4-5 curriculum. The K-3 Language Arts Program is broken up into two strands, the Skills Strand and the Listening & Learning Strand. The Skills Strand has students learning reading and writing together, building language skills and being able to translate that onto paper through spelling (spelling words). The Listening & Learning Strand focuses on comprehension. So, while students are learning how to read and spell, the Listening & Learning Strand allows students to understand the meaning of these words. The 4-5 curriculum focuses on the mastery of the skills learned in grades K-3.
Core Knowledge HGCA is pulled from the Core Knowledge Foundation and aligns perfectly with the sequence. Tillery Charter Academy will also use the Core Knowledge Science curriculum. They provide direct alignment and cross-curricular opportunities.Teachers will be able to use many methodologies, allowing teachers to use best practices and teach with confidence. Using a variety of teaching techniques will help reach each student in the way that he or she learns best. Teaching methods that Tillery Charter Academy teachers may use include but are not limited to direct instruction, experiential learning, collaborative learning, and directed independent study. To aid in the evaluation of student performance and competencies, we will administer the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) two or three times per year for students in grades 2-5. For grades K-1, we will administer the NWEA MAP for primary grades.